The Malone Experience: Transformative Christian Education

Today's college graduates change careers (not just jobs) an average of five times during their lifetime.

Through the integration of faith and learning, the Malone experience prepares you for jobs that don't yet exist and equips you to serve the world around you in a manner that demonstrates Christ's Kingdom First.

Our faculty, who are world-class scholars in their fields of expertise, create curriculum with rigor and depth, positioning our graduates to secure fulfilling jobs and graduate program admission all over the country.

Our Canton, Ohio location strategically places Malone students in the heart of Northeast Ohio, where they can easily access internships, practicum, and student teaching opportunities. 

And with a call to love our students, faculty and staff embrace their daily work by creating an environment on campus which uniquely invites students to grow intellectually, spiritually, and professionally.

At Malone, our goal is to provide you with transformative experiences in the classroom and community life:

We are unmistakably, unapologetically Christian. We love Jesus and we want our students to love Him, too. 

The Pendle Hill Pledge will help you discover who you God has called you to be and provide you with the tools to help you get there. Students benefit from one-on-one mentoring relationships to help them discover their gifts and prepare them for a purposeful and meaningful life and career. 

We prepare you to be a servant leader by modeling service in our community. The Malone community stands out in our region, collectively and individually, for going the extra mile for those in need.

Malone graduates get hired and advance in their careers because of their ability to write, speak, think critically and creatively, and work with a variety of people in a variety of settings.

Receive a private Christian education that is comparable in cost to what families pay at a public institution. A Malone education is an investment in your future.

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