Brehme Centennial Center

The Brehme Centennial Center is home to the Hoover Dining Commons, as well as the Brehme Conference Center and the Deuble Room.

Brehme Conference Center

The Brehme Conference Center is a popular space on campus for business meetings or luncheons, as well as events which are more condusive to mingling or displays.

Brehme Conference Center, reception styleCAPACITY

  • Reception Style (round tables): 82
  • Conference Style (conference tables): 44
  • Theater style w/wall closed (chairs):  82
  • Theater style w/wall open (chairs):  130


$60 for Malone faculty/staff/students/alumni/non-profit groups
$80 for external guests


  •  Three wireless microphones with stands or one lapel microphone
  • Projection:  PowerPoint, DVD, Internet video, AirPlay
  • Laptop input available (VGA & HDMI)
  • Audiovisual technical support fee is $25.00/hour per technician.

Deuble Room

For smaller gatherings, the Deuble Room provides an intimate setting for breakout sessions or committee meetings.


  • Reception style (round tables): 42
  • Theater style (chairs):  48


$55 for Malone faculty/staff/students/alumni/non-profit groups
$75 for external guests


  • Two handheld wireless microphones or one handheld wireless microphone and one lapel microphone
  • Projection: PowerPoint, ProPresenter, DVD, Internet Video, Apple TV
  • Personal laptop input available upon request (VGA & HDMI)
  • Audiovisual support fee is $25.00/hour per technician.