How to Read the Bible

Maybe you've never picked up the Bible before. Or, you're finding it's been a while since you last read it. Or, maybe you just want a different way to continue reading Scripture.

If any of these apply to you, check out the following. There are lots of Bible reading plans out there, and included below are five that might suit your reading pace. 

The Lectionary

The Daily Office Lectionary will take you through almost the entire Bible in accordance with the church calendar over the course of two years. 

Each day there are three readings: Old Testament, Epistle, and Gospel or Acts. 

The Daily Office Lectionary is from the Book of Common Prayer and can be found and printed out here.  

If you prefer to view it online and have reminder sent to you daily, try this link.  Note that you can change which Bible translation you use for this latter plan. 

Bible Reading Plan for Shirkers and Slackers

Read through the Bible according to different genres. Sundays are Old Testament poetry and Mondays are the Pentateuch, etc. Check off readings as you do them. No dates are listed and there isn't pressure to get it done in a year. You can find this plan here.   

Reading With Accompanying Devotionals

Read Bible passages and accompanying short devotionals which will help you understand Scripture better. Visit this link for several options.

This is a fantastic website with dozens of Bible translations available for free. The search function is very helpful and does all the work of a concordance without the expense.

Visit BibleGateway