2021-22 Res Life Survey Results

79% of residential students completed the survey! That's a good sample size!
The results were great! Here is what you said:

About Your Academic Experience

77% (agreed or strongly agreed) that they never skip classes
74% said they have a staff/faculty member that they can speak with in a time of need.
85% said they've been mentored in their major
59% have a mentor on campus outside the classroom
72% said their courses in their major included varied perspectives on topics
81% felt their academic experience was preparing them to achieve their goals.

Social Media Habits

What do people most frequently check? SNAP! (37%) and INSTA (31%)
How much time do students spend on screen? 3-6 hrs/day (at 39%)
Preferred method of communication? Texting (at 45%)

Your Experience Outside the Classroom

82% are involved in some type of co-curricular on campus. Studies show the more people are involved OUTSIDE of the classroom, the better they do INSIDE the classroom!
80% Agreed or Strongly Agreed that they felt a sense of connection to one another & Malone through these events.

Your Res Life Experience

93% agreed or strongly agreed that ResLife staff offered opportunities to get to know you.
97% agreed or strongly agreed that ResLife was willing to discuss your concerns
93% reported that RAs provided an environment of connection, community and growth.
84% said that living in the Res Halls contributed to their growth. 
85% agreed or strongly agreed that living in the halls helped them feel more connected to campus.
84% agreed or strongly agreed that they felt welcomed at Malone. 
83% said living in the halls helped to develop friendships with people that were different from them and 73% said it helped them live more cooperatively with people who are different from them.
72% agreed or strongly agreed that Malone helped them to think about problems from different perspectives.
64% agreed or strongly agreed that Malone contributed to their understanding of personal identity.
67% reported that they have belief in God and actively try to apply their faith to daily decisions.

You said the Res Hall Buildings are...

  1. Physically safe: 91% agree or strongly agree that the buildings are physically safe.
  2. Conducive to study: 85% agree or strongly agree
  3. Hospitable: 79% agree or strongly agree
  4. A place I belong: 78% agree or strongly agree
  5. Well-maintained: 64% agree or strongly agree

What we heard you say that we need to work on

Here are some themes we noticed...
  • Many expressed the need for more counselors to be available in our counseling center. 
  • You'd like bathrooms to be updated in res halls.
  • There were requests for "pop-up" floor events.
  • Your neighbors want you to open your room door so they can say hi!
  • Board game nights/pizza weekends/activities in your individual halls.
  • Maybe improve the wi-fi (55% said it was a bit slow; 43% said it was fine)

Favorite Fast Food Place: 

60% chose Chipotle!
Chick-fil-A came in #2 with 45% of the votes!