Strategic Goal #2: Enhance and Develop Academic and Athletic Programs

Enhance our ability to identify marketplace needs and opportunities, create programs and partnerships that meet those needs, and launch those initiatives effectively.

Proverbs 27:17 NLT

As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.

Success Measures: 

These success measures will require us to focus strategically on community-college partnerships and on the particular new, existing, and joint programs that are most likely to attract students to the university. 

Furthermore, we will need to do so without increasing our discount rate. We must diversify our revenue streams and, in particular, reduce the University’s reliance on traditional undergraduate tuition revenue.    

  • Enrollment and Average Net Revenue Per Student in existing and new programs that have been targeted for enhanced marketing and recruitment efforts, and in joint programs with other institutions.

Success Outcomes:

During Phase 1, for 2023-24, we commit to the following targets for each of the success measures.

  1. Enrollment increase YOY of additional students in the following programs (some overlap with Church, Christian High School, and Transfer initiatives) :
    • Zoo/Wildlife Biology
    • Exercise Science
    • Psychology/Counseling
  2. Successfully launch new programs with anticipated new enrollments (some overlap with Church, Christian High School, and Transfer initiatives):
    • Competency Based Education MBA - Bus/Tech
    • Hospitality, Tourism, and Business - Bus/Tech
    • Computer Science Endorsement - Education
    • Pre-Chiropractic
    • Women’s Lacrosse
    • Stunt
  3. Develop and launch impactful program partnerships with other institutions