Find your purposeful and meaningful career solving challenging and impactful problems
If you have a mind for numbers and want to develop your analytical skills and problem-solving abilities, then Mathematics at Malone is for you. You’ll have the opportunity for one-on-one research with professors in coding theory, encryption, and graph theory, as well as opportunities for internships with professionals who work in your desired industry. Learn how to communicate principles of mathematics to others who need your help and develop highly marketable skills so you will be prepared to serve others in your desired career.
Program Distinctives
- Prepare for high-demand careers in engineering, sciences, technology, telecommunications, pharmaceuticals, government, or education.
- Prepare to surpass the Mathematical Association of America standards and compete for national awards as part of Malone’s Alpha Gamma chapter of Sigma Zeta.
- Gain a fuller understanding of mathematics by studying with professors who approach it as part of God’s creation.
View course curriculum
Each course and other requirements for the Mathematics major are listed in the official Academic Catalog.
Once in the catalog, you can use the buttons (pictured left) located at the upper right of the page to plan your courses, save courses to your own personalized catalog, print them, and more!
Mathematics minor
Students who are majoring in another program may choose to take a Mathematics minor in addition to their primary course of study. A minor normally consists of a minimum of 15 semester hours, 6 of which must be taken at the 300/400 level. Each academic school or department must approve the student and curriculum to be used in the completion of each minor for the Office of the Registrar to verify at the point of graduation.
Amanda Dudgeon, Esq.
Mandi handles a wide variety of litigation matters, focusing her practice on advising and representing attorneys and other professionals.