Celebration Leader Application

Interested in Becoming a Celebration Leader?

Celebration is a student-led worship service with music and teaching. It meets bi-weekly on Thursdays from 8:30-9:30 p.m. in the JC Chapel. The general responsibilities are listed below. The application packet (see link below) includes a written application, three reference forms, and a video submission.  Please track all of your materials so that they are all turned in by Thursday, March 23, 2023 at Noon to the Office of Spiritual Formation (Barn).  

General Responsibilities Include:

  • Prepare a 10-minute devotional (speaker) or 30-minutes of musical worship (music) for each Celebration.  Speakers take turns speaking at Celebrations.
  • Meet with Adam Pearce, Celebration Advisor, weekly for training and mentoring.  This training begins before the semester starts - often in August sometime (an agreed-upon time with the Celebration team).
  • Meet with the Spiritual Life Committee (SLC) bi-weekly, which is advised by Linda Leon.  SLC is the campus leadership group representing all student ministries on campus.
  • Publicize Celebrations and invite students to attend, in whatever ways you think this is best communicated.
  • Assist the Office of Spiritual Formation in taking attendance at the Celebration SFO (often, this involves arranging for volunteers to scan student ID cards).
  • Overall: be a student leader who is open to talking and listening to your peers, helping them understand life and faith a bit better, and being a role model.

Application, references, and video submissions are due to Spiritual Formation (Barn) by Thursday, March 23 at NOON. Any questions can be directed to Adam Pearce, Celebration Advisor: apearce@malone.edu.

Fill out the application form here; your Malone email must be used to access the form.