Residence Life Experience Survey 2020-21
408 out of 475 (86%) of residents responded to this survey!
Thank you for taking the time to give us feedback!
In the last few years, we've used feedback from this to make improvements in our halls and on our campus. Here are just a few improvements...
- kitchenettes in all the buildings,
- MU bucks gift cards you received this semester to bolster your meal plan,
- renovation of bathrooms,
- new recreation equipment in lounges & yoga rooms,
- better lighting on campus,
- and topics that you want to hear about in SFOs.
- the above list is just a few!
What you share with us matters! Even though portions of our survey are confidential, there are portions we can share that are really good news. Nearly all of these were higher satisfaction rates than last year. Here are a few:
Residents agreed or strongly agreed that...
83% said they have a staff/faculty member they can talk to.
89% said they have been mentored in their major.
67% felt they had a mentor on campus outside the classroom.
63% felt courses in their major included varied perspectives on topics.
73% said their academic experience prepared them to achieve their goals.
74% said their advising experience is preparing them to achieve goals.
85% of our students are involved in co-curriculars on campus.
75% participate in CAB events.
84% said they had a sense of connection to campus through these events.
95% said the Res Life staff offered opportunities to get to know them.
93% said their RAs encourage them to get involved.
98% said their RA was willing to discuss concerns and academic concerns.
94% - Res Life staff provides an environment of connection, community and growth.
98% - RAs are a role model & hold their floor accountable to standards of Malone.
85% felt that living in the residence halls has contributed to their personal growth.
86% felt connected to Malone because of living in the halls.
87% feel welcomed at Malone.
84% said living on campus helped to develop friendships with people who are different from them.
73% said living in the halls helped them live cooperatively with others.
72% said Malone helped them think about problems from different perspectives.
63% said Malone helped contribute to their understanding of local/global community.
74% said living on campus helped them grow in their faith.
88% said they were aware of service opportunities they can get involved in.
62% said Chick-fil-a was their first choice in fast food!