Kenya 2018
Travel with us to Kenya this May!
Quick Facts
Dates: May
Cost: $2,950
Leaders: Jay Case and Marcia Everett
This trip will primarily work with the people in a church in a very poor town in Kenya called Rift Valley Fellowship. These are among the poorest of the poor in the world. Some of the women are trying to get out of prostitution and keep their daughters out, as well. Many boys in the church are homeless. The church ministers to these people in a wide range of ways, including regular worship services, weekly free meals, safe houses for girls, job training for women, housing for homeless boys, and providing hope and encouragement.
We will meet and pray with the people, worship with them, listen to their stories, and perhaps help out with some sort of service project at that church. We will also visit a village made up of Internally Displaced Persons, whose homes have been built by Habitat for Humanity. And we may have sessions with Kenyan students from Moffat Bible College, as well as visiting Rift Valley Academy, a school for missionary kids. We will also plan to visit a game park.